Christmas Sale at FTDNA is On!

The Christmas sale is on!!! 

In addition to the sale prices below it is also possible that a coupon will be available to use in conjunction with the sale price. You will either need to leave a comment below or email me directly regarding which test you are interested in so I can check the availability of the coupons. It is likely there will be some available but don't delay, they do go quickly.

If you have taken the Big Y test there is no need to purchase any other Y-Chromosome test. You have tested as much as you can. FTDNA is still working on the Big Y data files for all of the testers in their database. It might be possible that you are showing Big Y results on your profile page but the data file is not available. It will be soon. This data file is important as once it becomes available we will need to have it analyzed. Stay tuned for instructions on how to accomplish that.

If you have tested Big Y but have not tested your ySTR markers out to 111, there is no need to do so. FTDNA will be providing this data from your Big Y results. The information should be available by the first of the year. I'll keep you posted.

As we've discussed on other posts how important it is to upgrade, taking advantage of this sale is the opportunity to try and do just that! We are still waiting for results for some of our members but don't let it be a deterrent. The Big Y upgrade at FTDNA is/was a massive undertaking so things are a bit behind with getting results but they have about caught up. Let's keep the ball rolling!

We are making slow but steady progress identifying and testing Irish testers for the group. We can't sit back, if you know of Sprouls of any variant from the UK please encourage them to visit this blog and ask them to consider joining our DNA project group. If you're reading this blog and have Sproul results but have not joined the Sproul project please consider doing so. This is the only way we're going to be able to decimate those brick walls!

If you have any questions regarding any of these tests, which test is appropriate, need clarification on what to take, please feel free to email me. And don't forget, coupons are available which will bring the sale price down even more. Just let me know what test you are interested and I'll locate a coupon.

Because of you the Sproul project is growing nicely. Let's keep up the momentum!!!


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